Friday, 28 September 2007

Here with my thoughts about Printmaking education.

Print Research Network

` The graphic image houses a true human virtue, in as much as it demands inspection and contemplation ( thought ), it gives us information, it tells us what to do what we need to do . In the same way the education of the graphic image (which has the deepest roots of all the plastic arts) is embodied in the practise and process of Printmaking. Long gone are the dark `days of nonsense` belonging to the digital/traditional image debate.
Without the intellectual means and a working knowledge of reproduction any process is dysfunctional anyway.
The essential spark and excitement from process experiment gives Printmaking a lead the field. Such an ultimate irony then, that many a middle institutional manager has seen fit to discard the traditional in favour of the digital in relation to the order of the Printmaking studio or workshop. This is the real dark age, where true dysfunction is printed on the fiscal variants of the spread sheet. `

David Ferry.
September 27, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.